# Pengertian BIOS

BIOS adalah singkatan dari "Basic Input/Output System" (Sistem Input/Output Dasar) dalam bahasa Inggris. Dalam bahasa Indonesia, BIOS sering disebut sebagai "Sistem Input/Output Dasar" atau "Sistem Masukan/Keluaran Dasar." BIOS adalah program perangkat lunak yang terletak di dalam sebuah komputer atau laptop dan bertanggung jawab untuk mengendalikan operasi dasar perangkat keras sistem komputer.

# Apa saja fungsi dasar BIOS?

Fungsi utama BIOS adalah melakukan inisialisasi (pengaturan awal) perangkat keras saat komputer pertama kali dinyalakan. Hal ini mencakup mengidentifikasi dan mengkonfigurasi komponen-komponen seperti prosesor, RAM, kartu grafis, dan perangkat penyimpanan. Selain itu, BIOS juga memungkinkan pengguna untuk mengatur beberapa parameter konfigurasi dasar sistem, seperti urutan boot (perangkat yang digunakan untuk memuat sistem operasi), jam sistem, dan pengaturan perangkat keras lainnya.

Saat komputer dinyalakan, BIOS adalah salah satu komponen pertama yang aktif dan berperan penting dalam proses booting (memuat sistem operasi). Setelah sistem operasi dimuat, BIOS biasanya tidak lagi aktif, dan kendali sistem diserahkan sepenuhnya ke sistem operasi yang berjalan.

Fungsionalitas BIOS dapat dibagi menjadi empat tanggung jawab utama.


POST adalah singkatan dari Power-On Self Test yang dijalankan PC saat Anda menyalakannya. POST menguji perangkat keras PC dan memastikan tidak ada kerusakan dan kesalahan pada sistem operasi. POST menelusuri semuanya mulai dari keyboard dan disk drive hingga kecepatan RAM Anda di komputer dan port yang terintegrasi. Jika semuanya selesai, POST akan lanjut seperti biasa dan memungkinkan PC Anda untuk mem-boot secara normal.

Jika kesalahan terdeteksi, BIOS akan mengeluarkan pesan kesalahan yang mungkin muncul dalam bentuk teks yang ditampilkan atau serangkaian bunyi bip yang menunjukkan kesalahan.

Bunyi bip ini selalu menandakan pesan tertentu, jadi jika mendapatkan hasil ini, maka harus memeriksa apa artinya bagi perangkat keras komputer.

2. Pengaturan CMOS

PC menyimpan semua pengaturan tingkat rendah, seperti konfigurasi waktu sistem dan perangkat keras di dalam CMOS-nya. Ini berarti bahwa setiap perubahan yang dilakukan pada struktur BIOS akan disimpan pada chip memori khusus yang disebut Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor, atau CMOS. Pengaturan CMOS bertanggung jawab untuk mengatur kata sandi, waktu, dan tanggal.

3. Bootstrap loader

Program yang ada di dalam EPROM atau ROM komputer, bootstrap loader bertugas membaca sektor boot hard drive PC agar beralih di sepanjang pemuatan sistem operasi yang lengkap.

Saat memulai ulang PC, bootstrap loader akan mengaktifkan POST, lalu memuat Windows 10 ke dalam memori. PC baru telah mengganti bootstrap loader dengan EFI, atau Extensible Firmware Interface.

4. Driver BIOS

Driver BIOS adalah berbagai program yang disimpan di banyak chip memori komputer. Driver tingkat rendah ini digunakan untuk mem-boot sistem dan memdorong kontrol operasional dasar pada PC.

# Cara mengakses BIOS di Windows 10/11

Metode #1: Gunakan tombol pintas selama boot-up

Anda mungkin terlalu cepat menyadarinya, tetapi PC melalui proses POST yang cepat agar layar startup dimuat secepat mungkin. Anda juga dapat mengakses BIOS dengan mengklik tombol pintas yang ditetapkan PC Anda di dalam waktu yang sangat ketat ini.

Sayangnya, merek PC yang berbeda semuanya berada di halaman yang berbeda saat menentukan tombol BIOS definitif. Laptop HP umumnya menggunakan F10 atau tombol escape. DEL dan F2 cenderung menjadi tombol pintas paling populer untuk PC, tetapi jika Anda tidak yakin apa tombol pintas unutk PC merek Anda, daftar tombol BIOS umum berdasarkan merek ini mungkin dapat membantu. Adapun yang sering ditemui adalah

  • Acer: F2 atau DEL
  • ASUS: F2 untuk semua PCs, F2 atau DEL untuk motherboards
  • Dell: F2 atau F12
  • HP: ESC atau F10
  • Lenovo: F2 atau Fn + F2
  • Lenovo (Desktops): F1
  • Lenovo (ThinkPads): Enter + F1.
  • MSI: DEL untuk motherboards dan PCs
  • Microsoft Surface Tablets: Tekan dan tahan tombol volume naik.
  • Origin PC: F2
  • Samsung: F2
  • Sony: F1, F2, atau F3
  • Toshiba: F2

Menekan tombol pintas BIOS yang ditetapkan untuk Anda saat komputer boot akan mengembalikan layar utilitas pengaturan BIOS yang Anda cari. Misalnya, pada HP Pavilion, HP EliteBook, HP Stream, HP OMEN, HP ENVY, dan lainnya, menekan tombol F10 saat status PC Anda muncul akan mengarahkan Anda ke layar pengaturan BIOS.

Beberapa produsen mengharuskan Anda untuk menekan tombol pintas berulang, dan beberapa produsen mengharuskan Anda untuk menekan tombol lain selain tombol pintas. Untuk membekali diri Anda dengan informasi yang paling akurat, baca buku panduan pengguna PC Anda atau situs web produsen.

Metode #2: Gunakan menu mulai Windows 10

Karena komputer telah mengalami kemajuan teknologi yang lebih canggih dari sebelumnya, komputer akan melakukan boot-up hanya dalam beberapa detik. Hal ini menyisakan sedikit ruang untuk menekan tombol pintas apa pun dan dapat membuat mereka yang ingin masuk ke pengaturan BIOS kebingungan. Untuk pengguna PC yang tidak dapat melihat jendela kecil untuk menggunakan tombol pintas mereka, metode memasuki BIOS ini dapat diselesaikan melalui pengaturan komputer Anda.

Langkah 1. Akses pengaturan Windows Anda

Buka menu mulai Windows Anda dan pilih "Settings" (Pengaturan) yang terletak di panel kiri. Anda juga dapat mengakses pengaturan Windows dengan menggunakan tombol pintas Windows + I.

Langkah 2. Pilih "Update & Security" (Pembaruan & Keamanan)

Di dalam jendela ini, Anda mungkin perlu menggulir ke bawah untuk menemukan tombol "Update & Security" (Pembaruan & Keamanan).

Langkah 3. Pilih "Recovery"

Langkah 4. Klik "Restart now"

Di bagian "Advanced startup" (Penyiapan lanjutan), Anda akan melihat tombol "Restart now" (Hidupkan ulang sekarang) yang memungkinkan Anda me-reboot PC Anda untuk konfigurasi atau pemulihan.

Setelah PC mem-boot kembali, Anda akan melihat menu khusus yang memberi Anda opsi untuk "Use a device (Gunakan perangkat)," "Continue (Lanjutkan)," "Turn off your PC" (Matikan PC Anda), atau "Troubleshoot" (Pecahkan Masalah).

Langkah 5. Pilih "Troubleshoot" (Pecahkan Masalah)

Di jendela ini, pilih "Advanced options" (Opsi lanjutan), lalu pilih "UEFI Firmware Settings" (Pengaturan Firmware UEFI). Ini akan memungkinkan Anda untuk masuk ke BIOS pada PC Windows 10.

Langkah 6. Konfirmasi hidupkan ulang

Jika PC Anda menjalankan Windows 8.1 atau Windows 8, metode ini juga dapat digunakan untuk sistem operasi lama Anda.

# Cara mengakses BIOS di Windows 7, Vista, dan XP

Metode yang sama dengan menekan tombol pintas yang ditetapkan untuk Anda selama boot-up seharusnya dapat memberi Anda akses ke BIOS. Pastikan untuk menekan tombol itu segera setelah Anda melihat logo merek produsen Anda.

Sistem operasi yang lebih lama cenderung memuat lebih lambat, jadi jendela waktu Anda untuk menekan tombol pintas yang ditetapkan untuk Anda seharusnya cukup untuk akses BIOS yang cepat. Ikuti metode tiga langkah ini untuk masuk ke BIOS pada Windows 7 atau yang lebih baru.

Langkah 1. Matikan komputer Anda

Pada sistem operasi yang lebih lama, Anda hanya dapat mengakses BIOS sebelum logo Microsoft Windows muncul di layar komputer Anda.

Langkah 2. Nyalakan PC Anda

Langkah 3. Tekan tombol pintas BIOS

Satu tombol atau kombinasi tombol yang ditekan akan membuka BIOS pada PC Anda. Biasanya komputer Anda akan menunjukkan pada layar startup tombol atau kombinasi tombol mana yang perlu ditekan untuk masuk ke BIOS.

# Saya tidak dapat mengakses BIOS, apa yang harus saya lakukan?\

Jika Anda masih kesulitan mencari cara untuk masuk ke BIOS di komputer desktop Windows 10, Anda mungkin akan merasa bingung.

Apakah startup Anda terlalu cepat atau Anda mencurigai virus telah menyerang perangkat keras Anda, Anda memerlukan akses ke BIOS secepatnya. Untungnya, kami memiliki yang Anda butuhkan. Coba lakukan dua metode pemecahan masalah ini untuk mendapatkan akses ke BIOS Anda.

Metode pemecahan masalah #1: Nonaktifkan startup cepat

Jika PC Anda menyala terlalu cepat sehingga Anda tidak tahu kapan harus menekan tombol pintas BIOS, pengaturan waktu mungkin menghalangi Anda untuk mengakses BIOS PC.

Untuk memperlambat waktu boot dan membuka jendela untuk menekan tombol pintas, Anda harus menonaktifkan startup cepat. Untuk melakukan ini:

1. Temukan "Power option" (Opsi daya) di panel kontrol Anda

2. Tekan "Choose what the power button does" (Memilih fungsi tombol daya) di panel kiri (Anda akan memperhatikan bahwa semua pengaturan penonaktifan berwarna abu-abu dan tidak dapat diubah)

3. Tekan "Change settings that are currently available" (Mengubah pengaturan yang saat ini tersedia) yang ada di atas tombol daya lalu tutup pengaturan (ini akan memungkinkan Anda menghapus centang atau mencentang kotak untuk mengubah pengaturan penonaktifan Anda)

4. Hapus centang "Turn on fast startup" (Nyalakan penyiapan cepat)

5. Coba mulai ulang PC Anda dan masuk ke BIOS dengan tombol pintas Anda lagi

Metode pemecahan masalah #2: Gunakan disk boot darurat

Jika PC Anda menolak untuk masuk ke BIOS atau menampilkan layar biru yang ditakuti, Anda mungkin mengalami kegagalan boot. Untuk mengakses BIOS, coba gunakan disk boot darurat untuk menghidupkan kembali PC Anda melalui drive USB.

Setelah drive USB melakukan boot, seharusnya Anda dapat memilih perangkat boot saat startup.

1. Klik tombol "Repair your computer" (Perbaiki komputer Anda), bukan "Install now" (Instal sekarang) yang ada di tengah

2. Klik "Troubleshoot" (Pecahkan Masalah)

3. Klik "UEFI Firmware Settings" (Pengaturan Firmware UEFI)

4. Klik "Restart" (Hidupkan Ulang)

Jika tidak ada yang berhasil, Anda mungkin perlu mencari spesialis perbaikan komputer di daerah Anda untuk membantu menyelesaikan masalah Anda.

# Kode BEEP yang harus dihafal

Adapun nama bios yang harus dihafal adalah:

  1. Award
  2. AMI (American Megatrends)
  4. Compaq
  5. Phoenix
  6. IBM Desktop
  7. IBM ThinkPad
  8. Mylex
  9. Quadtel BIOS

If your computer beeps and fails to boot

On startup, computers perform a Power-on Self Test, commonly referred to as a POST. If problems are found while booting, you can usually diagnose them using the error codes displayed on the screen. However, if nothing displays on the screen, the computer might use sounds (that is, beep codes) to tell you what is wrong. Many of these errors indicate hardware problems that a service technician should fix. However, some errors are easily fixed. For example, keyboard controller errors often mean that your keyboard isn't plugged in.

Following are beep codes for some common brands of BIOS for PCs. For information about Mac beep codes or startup tones, see Apple Support's About Mac computer startup tones.

Many BIOSes will have different beep codes even if they appear to be from the same manufacturer. This is because motherboard manufacturers reprogram codes to reflect their own customizations. You can often go to the website for the motherboard's manufacturer to find the updated codes, but you may find cases where the manufacturer simply does not document the changes.

For more about beeps and error codes, see ComputerHope.com's Computer POST and beep codes.

On this page:


Award BIOSes typically use more screen errors than beep codes.

For Award BIOSes manufactured by Phoenix Technologies, note the following from the Phoenix Technologies AwardBIOS Error Messages page:

"The only AwardBIOS beep code indicates that a video error has occurred and the BIOS cannot initialize the video screen to display any additional information. This beep code consists of a single long beep followed by two short beeps. Any other beeps are probably RAM (Random Access Memory) problems."

Award BIOSes not manufactured under Phoenix Technologies use the following beeps; this information is from the BIOS Central Award BIOS Beep Codes page:

Beeps Meaning
1 long, 2 short
Video adapter error: Bad or improperly seated video card
Repeating beeps
Memory error: Bad or improperly seated RAM
1 long, 3 short
Bad video RAM or video card not present
High-frequency beeps Overheated CPU: Check fans
Repeating high/low beeps
CPU: Improperly seated or defective CPU
Beeps Meaning
1 long, 2 short
Video adapter error: Bad or improperly seated video card
Repeating beeps
Memory error: Bad or improperly seated RAM
1 long, 3 short
Bad video RAM or video card not present
High-frequency beeps Overheated CPU: Check fans
Repeating high/low beeps
CPU: Improperly seated or defective CPU

AMI (American Megatrends)

The information below is from the BIOS Central AMI BIOS Beep Codes page.

Beeps Meaning
1 short DRAM refresh failure
2 short
Parity circuit failure in the first 64 KB of RAM: Likely a bad RAM IC, or possibly one of the hardware tests has failed
3 short
Memory failure in the first 64 KB of RAM: Likely a bad RAM IC
4 short
System timer failure: Bad clock IC or bad RAM in the first bank of memory
5 short
Processor failure: The CPU has failed.
6 short
Keyboard controller Gate A20 error: The keyboard controller has failed. Due to its integration into the system board, you usually must replace the motherboard.
7 short
Virtual mode exception error: CPU has generated an exception error; bad CPU or motherboard
8 short
Display memory Read/Write test failure: Bad video card
9 short
ROM BIOS checksum failure: BIOS is defective
10 short
CMOS shutdown Read/Write error
11 short
Cache Memory error: Specifically, the L2 cache is bad.
1 long, 2 short
Video system failure: Error in video card BIOS, or a horizontal retrace has failed
1 long, 3 short
Conventional/Extended memory failure: RAM is bad
1 long, 8 short
Display/Retrace test failed: Video adapter is defective or missing
Beeps Meaning
1 short DRAM refresh failure
2 short
Parity circuit failure in the first 64 KB of RAM: Likely a bad RAM IC, or possibly one of the hardware tests has failed
3 short
Memory failure in the first 64 KB of RAM: Likely a bad RAM IC
4 short
System timer failure: Bad clock IC or bad RAM in the first bank of memory
5 short
Processor failure: The CPU has failed.
6 short
Keyboard controller Gate A20 error: The keyboard controller has failed. Due to its integration into the system board, you usually must replace the motherboard.
7 short
Virtual mode exception error: CPU has generated an exception error; bad CPU or motherboard
8 short
Display memory Read/Write test failure: Bad video card
9 short
ROM BIOS checksum failure: BIOS is defective
10 short
CMOS shutdown Read/Write error
11 short
Cache Memory error: Specifically, the L2 cache is bad.
1 long, 2 short
Video system failure: Error in video card BIOS, or a horizontal retrace has failed
1 long, 3 short
Conventional/Extended memory failure: RAM is bad
1 long, 8 short
Display/Retrace test failed: Video adapter is defective or missing


The following information is from the BIOS Central AST BIOS Beep Codes page.

Beeps Meaning
1 short
CPU register test failure: The CPU has failed.
2 short
Keyboard controller buffer failure: The keyboard controller has failed.
3 short
Keyboard controller reset failure: The keyboard controller has failed or the motherboard circuitry is faulty.
4 short
Keyboard communication failure: Bad keyboard controller or keyboard
5 short
Keyboard input failure: The keyboard controller IC has failed.
6 short
System board chipset failure: The chipset on the motherboard has failed. Replace the motherboard.
9 short
BIOS ROM checksum error: The BIOS ROM has failed. If possible, replace the BIOS on the motherboard.
10 short
System timer test failure: The system clock IC has failed.
11 short
ASIC failure: Motherboard circuitry has failed. Replace the motherboard.
12 short
CMOS RAM shutdown register failure: The real-time clock/CMOS IC failed. Replace the CMOS or motherboard.
1 long
DMA controller 0 failure: The DMA controller IC for channel 0 has failed. If possible, replace the IC.
1 long, 1 short
DMA controller 1 failure: The DMA controller IC for channel 1 has failed. If possible, replace the IC.
1 long, 2 short
Video vertical retrace failure: The video adapter has probably failed. Replace the video adapter.
1 long, 3 short
Video memory test failure: The video adapter's memory has failed. Replace the video adapter.
1 long, 4 short
Video adapter failure: The video adapter has failed. Replace the video adapter.
1 long, 5 short
64 KB memory failure: A failure has occurred in the base 64 KB of memory. If possible, replace the RAM IC.
1 long, 6 short
Unable to load interrupt vectors: The BIOS was unable to load the interrupt vectors into memory.
1 long, 7 short
Unable to initialize video: This is a video problem. Replace the video adapter first. If the problem persists, replace the motherboard.
1 long, 8 short
Video memory failure: There is a failure in the video memory. Replace the video adapter first. If the problem persists, replace the motherboard.
Beeps Meaning
1 short
CPU register test failure: The CPU has failed.
2 short
Keyboard controller buffer failure: The keyboard controller has failed.
3 short
Keyboard controller reset failure: The keyboard controller has failed or the motherboard circuitry is faulty.
4 short
Keyboard communication failure: Bad keyboard controller or keyboard
5 short
Keyboard input failure: The keyboard controller IC has failed.
6 short
System board chipset failure: The chipset on the motherboard has failed. Replace the motherboard.
9 short
BIOS ROM checksum error: The BIOS ROM has failed. If possible, replace the BIOS on the motherboard.
10 short
System timer test failure: The system clock IC has failed.
11 short
ASIC failure: Motherboard circuitry has failed. Replace the motherboard.
12 short
CMOS RAM shutdown register failure: The real-time clock/CMOS IC failed. Replace the CMOS or motherboard.
1 long
DMA controller 0 failure: The DMA controller IC for channel 0 has failed. If possible, replace the IC.
1 long, 1 short
DMA controller 1 failure: The DMA controller IC for channel 1 has failed. If possible, replace the IC.
1 long, 2 short
Video vertical retrace failure: The video adapter has probably failed. Replace the video adapter.
1 long, 3 short
Video memory test failure: The video adapter's memory has failed. Replace the video adapter.
1 long, 4 short
Video adapter failure: The video adapter has failed. Replace the video adapter.
1 long, 5 short
64 KB memory failure: A failure has occurred in the base 64 KB of memory. If possible, replace the RAM IC.
1 long, 6 short
Unable to load interrupt vectors: The BIOS was unable to load the interrupt vectors into memory.
1 long, 7 short
Unable to initialize video: This is a video problem. Replace the video adapter first. If the problem persists, replace the motherboard.
1 long, 8 short
Video memory failure: There is a failure in the video memory. Replace the video adapter first. If the problem persists, replace the motherboard.


The following information is from the BIOS Central Compaq BIOS Beep Codes page.

Beeps Meaning
1 short
No error: The system is booting properly.
1 long, 1 short
BIOS ROM checksum error: The contents of the BIOS ROM do not match the expected contents. If possible, reload the BIOS from the PAQ.
2 short
General error: No specifics available on what this code means
1 long, 2 short
Video error: Check the video adapter and make sure it's seated properly. If possible, replace the video adapter.
7 beeps (1 long, 1 short, 1 long, 1 short, pause, 1 long, 1 short, 1 short)
AGP video: The AGP video card is faulty. Reseat the card or replace it outright. This beep pertains to Compaq Deskpro systems.
Continuous beep
Memory error: Bad RAM; replace and test
1 short, 2 long
Bad RAM: Reseat RAM, then retest; replace RAM if failure continues.
Beeps Meaning
1 short
No error: The system is booting properly.
1 long, 1 short
BIOS ROM checksum error: The contents of the BIOS ROM do not match the expected contents. If possible, reload the BIOS from the PAQ.
2 short
General error: No specifics available on what this code means
1 long, 2 short
Video error: Check the video adapter and make sure it's seated properly. If possible, replace the video adapter.
7 beeps (1 long, 1 short, 1 long, 1 short, pause, 1 long, 1 short, 1 short)
AGP video: The AGP video card is faulty. Reseat the card or replace it outright. This beep pertains to Compaq Deskpro systems.
Continuous beep
Memory error: Bad RAM; replace and test
1 short, 2 long
Bad RAM: Reseat RAM, then retest; replace RAM if failure continues.


The following information applies to Phoenix BIOS Q3.07 or 4.x. This information is from the Phoenix BIOS beep codes section of the ComputerHope.com Computer POST and beep codes page.

Dashes indicate pauses between beeps.

Beeps Meaning
1-1-1-3 Verify real mode.
1-1-2-1 Get CPU type.
1-1-2-3 Initialize system hardware.
Initialize chipset registers with initial POST values.
1-1-3-2 Set in POST flag.
1-1-3-3 Initialize CPU registers.
Initialize cache to initial POST values.
1-1-4-3 Initialize I/O.
1-2-1-1 Initialize Power Management.
Load alternate registers with initial POST values.
1-2-1-3 Jump to UserPatch0.
Initialize keyboard controller.
1-2-2-3 BIOS ROM checksum
1-2-3-1 8254 timer initialization
8237 DMA controller initialization
Reset Programmable Interrupt Controller.
1-3-1-1 Test DRAM refresh.
Test 8742 Keyboard Controller.
Set ES segment to register to 4 GB.
1-3-3-1 28 Autosize DRAM.
1-3-3-3 Clear 512 KB base RAM.
Test 512 KB base address lines.
1-3-4-3 Test 512 KB base memory.
1-4-1-3 Test CPU bus-clock frequency.
1-4-2-4 Reinitialize the chipset.
1-4-3-1 Shadow system BIOS ROM.
1-4-3-2 Reinitialize the cache.
1-4-3-3 Autosize cache.
Configure advanced chipset registers.
Load alternate registers with CMOS values.
2-1-1-1 Set Initial CPU speed.
2-1-1-3 Initialize interrupt vectors.
2-1-2-1 Initialize BIOS interrupts.
2-1-2-3 Check ROM copyright notice.
Initialize manager for PCI Options ROMs.
Check video configuration against CMOS.
Initialize PCI bus and devices.
Initialize all video adapters in system.
2-1-4-1 Shadow video BIOS ROM.
2-1-4-3 Display copyright notice.
2-2-1-1 Display CPU type and speed.
2-2-1-3 Test keyboard.
2-2-2-1 Set key click if enabled.
2-2-2-3 56 Enable keyboard.
Test for unexpected interrupts.
Display message "Press F2 to enter SETUP".
Test RAM between 512 and 640 KB.
2-3-1-1 Test expanded memory.
Test extended memory address lines.
2-3-2-1 Jump to UserPatch1.
Configure advanced cache registers.
Enable external and CPU caches.
2-3-3-3 Display external cache size.
2-3-4-1 Display shadow message.
Display non-disposable segments.
2-4-1-1 Display error messages.
Check for configuration errors.
2-4-2-1 Test real-time clock.
2-4-2-3 Check for keyboard errors.
Set up hardware interrupts vectors.
2-4-4-3 Test coprocessor if present.
3-1-1-1 Disable onboard I/O ports.
Detect and install external RS232 ports.
Detect and install external parallel ports.
Re-initialize onboard I/O ports.
3-1-3-1 Initialize BIOS Data Area.
Initialize Extended BIOS Data Area.
3-1-4-1 Initialize floppy controller.
Initialize hard-disk controller.
Initialize local-bus hard-disk controller.
3-2-1-3 Jump to UserPatch2.
3-2-2-1 Disable A20 address line.
Clear huge ES segment register.
3-2-3-1 Search for option ROMs.
3-2-3-3 Shadow option ROMs.
3-2-4-1 Set up Power Management.
3-2-4-3 Enable hardware interrupts.
3-3-1-1 Set time of day.
3-3-1-3 Check key lock.
3-3-3-1 Erase "F2" message.
3-3-3-3 Scan for F2 keystroke.
3-3-4-1 Enter SETUP.
3-3-4-3 Clear in-POST flag.
3-4-1-1 Check for errors.
POST complete; prepare to boot operating system.
3-4-2-1 One beep.
3-4-2-3 Check password (optional).
Clear global descriptor table.
3-4-4-1 Clear parity checkers.
3-4-4-3 Clear screen (optional).
Check virus and backup reminders.
4-1-1-1 Try to boot with INT 19.
4-2-1-1 Interrupt handler error.
4-2-1-3 Unknown interrupt error.
4-2-2-1 Pending interrupt error.
4-2-2-3 Initialize option ROM error.
4-2-3-1 Shutdown error.
4-2-3-3 Extended Block Move.
4-2-4-1 Shutdown 10 error.
4-3-1-3 Initialize the chipset.
4-3-1-4 Initialize refresh counter.
4-3-2-1 Check for Forced Flash.
4-3-2-2 Check HW status of ROM.
4-3-2-3 BIOS ROM is okay.
4-3-2-4 Do a complete RAM test.
4-3-3-1 Do OEM initialization.
Initialize interrupt controller.
4-3-3-3 Read in bootstrap code.
4-3-3-4 Initialize all vectors.
4-3-4-1 Boot the Flash program.
4-3-4-2 Initialize the boot device.
4-3-4-3 Boot code was read okay.
Beeps Meaning
1-1-1-3 Verify real mode.
1-1-2-1 Get CPU type.
1-1-2-3 Initialize system hardware.
Initialize chipset registers with initial POST values.
1-1-3-2 Set in POST flag.
1-1-3-3 Initialize CPU registers.
Initialize cache to initial POST values.
1-1-4-3 Initialize I/O.
1-2-1-1 Initialize Power Management.
Load alternate registers with initial POST values.
1-2-1-3 Jump to UserPatch0.
Initialize keyboard controller.
1-2-2-3 BIOS ROM checksum
1-2-3-1 8254 timer initialization
8237 DMA controller initialization
Reset Programmable Interrupt Controller.
1-3-1-1 Test DRAM refresh.
Test 8742 Keyboard Controller.
Set ES segment to register to 4 GB.
1-3-3-1 28 Autosize DRAM.
1-3-3-3 Clear 512 KB base RAM.
Test 512 KB base address lines.
1-3-4-3 Test 512 KB base memory.
1-4-1-3 Test CPU bus-clock frequency.
1-4-2-4 Reinitialize the chipset.
1-4-3-1 Shadow system BIOS ROM.
1-4-3-2 Reinitialize the cache.
1-4-3-3 Autosize cache.
Configure advanced chipset registers.
Load alternate registers with CMOS values.
2-1-1-1 Set Initial CPU speed.
2-1-1-3 Initialize interrupt vectors.
2-1-2-1 Initialize BIOS interrupts.
2-1-2-3 Check ROM copyright notice.
Initialize manager for PCI Options ROMs.
Check video configuration against CMOS.
Initialize PCI bus and devices.
Initialize all video adapters in system.
2-1-4-1 Shadow video BIOS ROM.
2-1-4-3 Display copyright notice.
2-2-1-1 Display CPU type and speed.
2-2-1-3 Test keyboard.
2-2-2-1 Set key click if enabled.
2-2-2-3 56 Enable keyboard.
Test for unexpected interrupts.
Display message "Press F2 to enter SETUP".
Test RAM between 512 and 640 KB.
2-3-1-1 Test expanded memory.
Test extended memory address lines.
2-3-2-1 Jump to UserPatch1.
Configure advanced cache registers.
Enable external and CPU caches.
2-3-3-3 Display external cache size.
2-3-4-1 Display shadow message.
Display non-disposable segments.
2-4-1-1 Display error messages.
Check for configuration errors.
2-4-2-1 Test real-time clock.
2-4-2-3 Check for keyboard errors.
Set up hardware interrupts vectors.
2-4-4-3 Test coprocessor if present.
3-1-1-1 Disable onboard I/O ports.
Detect and install external RS232 ports.
Detect and install external parallel ports.
Re-initialize onboard I/O ports.
3-1-3-1 Initialize BIOS Data Area.
Initialize Extended BIOS Data Area.
3-1-4-1 Initialize floppy controller.
Initialize hard-disk controller.
Initialize local-bus hard-disk controller.
3-2-1-3 Jump to UserPatch2.
3-2-2-1 Disable A20 address line.
Clear huge ES segment register.
3-2-3-1 Search for option ROMs.
3-2-3-3 Shadow option ROMs.
3-2-4-1 Set up Power Management.
3-2-4-3 Enable hardware interrupts.
3-3-1-1 Set time of day.
3-3-1-3 Check key lock.
3-3-3-1 Erase "F2" message.
3-3-3-3 Scan for F2 keystroke.
3-3-4-1 Enter SETUP.
3-3-4-3 Clear in-POST flag.
3-4-1-1 Check for errors.
POST complete; prepare to boot operating system.
3-4-2-1 One beep.
3-4-2-3 Check password (optional).
Clear global descriptor table.
3-4-4-1 Clear parity checkers.
3-4-4-3 Clear screen (optional).
Check virus and backup reminders.
4-1-1-1 Try to boot with INT 19.
4-2-1-1 Interrupt handler error.
4-2-1-3 Unknown interrupt error.
4-2-2-1 Pending interrupt error.
4-2-2-3 Initialize option ROM error.
4-2-3-1 Shutdown error.
4-2-3-3 Extended Block Move.
4-2-4-1 Shutdown 10 error.
4-3-1-3 Initialize the chipset.
4-3-1-4 Initialize refresh counter.
4-3-2-1 Check for Forced Flash.
4-3-2-2 Check HW status of ROM.
4-3-2-3 BIOS ROM is okay.
4-3-2-4 Do a complete RAM test.
4-3-3-1 Do OEM initialization.
Initialize interrupt controller.
4-3-3-3 Read in bootstrap code.
4-3-3-4 Initialize all vectors.
4-3-4-1 Boot the Flash program.
4-3-4-2 Initialize the boot device.
4-3-4-3 Boot code was read okay.

IBM Desktop

Beeps Meaning
No beep
No power, loose expansion card (ISA, PCI, or AGP), a short, or an improperly grounded motherboard
1 short System okay
1 long
Video/display problem; video card incorrectly seated or defective
2 short
POST Error displayed on monitor
3 long
Problem with 3270 keyboard card
1 long, 1 short Problem with system board
1 long, 2 short
Problem with display adapter (MDA, CGA)
1 long, 3 short Problem with EGA
Repeating short beeps
Problem with power supply or system board
Continuous beep
Problem with power supply or system board
Beeps Meaning
No beep
No power, loose expansion card (ISA, PCI, or AGP), a short, or an improperly grounded motherboard
1 short System okay
1 long
Video/display problem; video card incorrectly seated or defective
2 short
POST Error displayed on monitor
3 long
Problem with 3270 keyboard card
1 long, 1 short Problem with system board
1 long, 2 short
Problem with display adapter (MDA, CGA)
1 long, 3 short Problem with EGA
Repeating short beeps
Problem with power supply or system board
Continuous beep
Problem with power supply or system board

IBM ThinkPad

Beeps Meaning
Continuous beeping System board failure
1 beep with blank display
LCD connector problem, LCD backlight inverter failure, video adapter failure, or LCD assembly failure
1 beep w/message "Unable to access boot source"
Boot device failure or bad system board
1 long, 2 short
System board, video adapter, or LCD assembly failure
1 long, 4 short Low battery voltage
1 beep every second Low battery voltage
2 short w/message
Read the error message on the display
2 short with blank display System board failure
Beeps Meaning
Continuous beeping System board failure
1 beep with blank display
LCD connector problem, LCD backlight inverter failure, video adapter failure, or LCD assembly failure
1 beep w/message "Unable to access boot source"
Boot device failure or bad system board
1 long, 2 short
System board, video adapter, or LCD assembly failure
1 long, 4 short Low battery voltage
1 beep every second Low battery voltage
2 short w/message
Read the error message on the display
2 short with blank display System board failure


Beeps Meaning
1 Normal boot: No problems
Video adapter error: Video adapter is not seated or is faulty
Keyboard controller error: Keyboard controller IC bad
Keyboard error: Keyboard itself might be bad, or the controller IC on the motherboard
PIC 0 error: The programmable interrupt controller IC is bad
6 PIC 1 error: Same as above
DMA page register error: DMA controller IC is bad
8 RAM refresh error
9 RAM data error
10 RAM parity error
DMA controller 0 error: DMA controller IC for channel 0 has failed
12 CMOS RAM error: Bad CMOS RAM
DMA controller 1 error: DMA controller IC for channel 1 has failed
CMOS RAM battery error: Dead CMOS battery; can usually be replaced
CMOS RAM checksum error: CMOS RAM failed
BIOS ROM checksum error: BIOS RAM failed
Beeps Meaning
1 Normal boot: No problems
Video adapter error: Video adapter is not seated or is faulty
Keyboard controller error: Keyboard controller IC bad
Keyboard error: Keyboard itself might be bad, or the controller IC on the motherboard
PIC 0 error: The programmable interrupt controller IC is bad
6 PIC 1 error: Same as above
DMA page register error: DMA controller IC is bad
8 RAM refresh error
9 RAM data error
10 RAM parity error
DMA controller 0 error: DMA controller IC for channel 0 has failed
12 CMOS RAM error: Bad CMOS RAM
DMA controller 1 error: DMA controller IC for channel 1 has failed
CMOS RAM battery error: Dead CMOS battery; can usually be replaced
CMOS RAM checksum error: CMOS RAM failed
BIOS ROM checksum error: BIOS RAM failed

Quadtel BIOS

The following information is from the BIOS Central Quadtel BIOS Beep Codes page.

1 short
Normal boot: System is booting normally.
2 short
CMOS IC error: The CMOS RAM is faulty. Replace the IC if possible.
1 long, 2 short
Video failure: The video adapter is faulty. Reseat the video adapter or replace the adapter if possible.
1 long, 3 short
Peripheral controller error: One or more of the system peripheral controllers is bad. Replace the controllers and retest.
1 short
Normal boot: System is booting normally.
2 short
CMOS IC error: The CMOS RAM is faulty. Replace the IC if possible.
1 long, 2 short
Video failure: The video adapter is faulty. Reseat the video adapter or replace the adapter if possible.
1 long, 3 short
Peripheral controller error: One or more of the system peripheral controllers is bad. Replace the controllers and retest.